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Supporting your Green Goals

How IDA helps clients to explore sustainable opportunities

The following supports are available to IDA Clients only. For further information, please contact your IDA Project Executive to set up a call.

Achieve international environmental best practice while keeping your business competitive

Green Start Grant

Our grant aid package supports you in exploring sustainability initiatives like developing a climate action plan or decarbonisation strategy. The aid covers the cost of a consultant to provide advice, plus training to help you study your environmental options. IDA Ireland supports up to €5,000 of a client project cost of €6,300, covering a portion of the consultant and employee’s time.

Green Plus Grant

For a more extensive sustainability review that needs more employee and consultant time, we offer grant supports to help you assess CO2 emissions, identify cost savings, improve water sustainability, measure a product’s environmental footprint, design circular business models, implement recyclable packaging, explore sustainable logistics, and more. IDA Ireland can support 50% of the cost up to a maximum total value of €60,000.

Client Decarbonisation Support

Once IDA has received a Climate Action Plan from the client company, then the company can look at the option of using IDA’s capital supports.

Capital grants provide financial support for implementing major renewable and energy efficiency projects. These tend to be large-scale capital intensive projects. The grant application ideally has a complementary mix of projects (e.g. solar panels + heat pumps).
These grants are for incentivising clients to invest beyond existing legally binding
environmental standards.

For Example:
  • Renewable energy technologies e.g. on-site generation such as wind-turbines, solar farms.
  • Pioneering projects e.g. on-site battery storage and infrastructure, hydrogen infrastructure. Manufacturing equipment that is far more efficient, or can run on zero emissions fuel, or is electric instead of fossil-fuel-powered such as heat pumps.
If you are an IDA Client and wish to apply for a sustainable capital support please contact
your IDA Project Executive.